Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Airsoft Guns for Sale: Which is the Best– Spring or Gas?

Airsoft Rifles are available both in the form of spring as well as gas. But what is the best propulsion system? A spring or a gas?

In principle, the spring Airsoft guns for sale are more widespread, because the producers manufacture replicas also by cost. While Ares is distinguished by the originality of the WA 2000 SR-007 because it is the only replica sniper bull-pup available on the market. In any case, you cannot expect to have the quality of a replica machined with CNC milling machine with football, under-barrel and wooden pillow at an economical price. In any case, it is a good alternative to common bolt action airsoft guns because it is compact without compromising ballistic performance.

airsoft guns for sale

The basic concept of the propulsion spring is simple. In fact, just open and pull back the bolt to compress the spring. Then, a tooth chain snap the shutter blocks the piston with the spring compressed. Pressing the trigger releases the shutter the chain spring that pushes the piston forward, compressing the air inside the barrel. Impressing the BB bullet acceleration up to the muzzle.

This simple mechanical solution provides a compressed air propulsion able to shoot BB pellets at a constant speed and without any additional costs.

But spring Airsoft guns have three main shortcomings:

1) The armament of the rifle requires a tensile stress in each shot and proportional to the power of the spring installed;

2) To improve performance, most of the spring guns requires the replacement of the air group with a more refined stainless steel that costs almost as rifle statement.

3) With springs heavily over joule (M170-M190) is also recommended replacing the original trigger group, because it is often of poor quality. But a good "zero trigger" steel costs more than a cheap airsoft guns available for sale. In any case, the difficulty of armament, rarely bolt action rifles spring exceed 2.0 joules. But despite these drawbacks, the spring guns are the most common.

The gas sniper rifles are more expensive, because we must also consider the purchase of the gas that is used to propel the ball. But the rifles gas have flaws:

1) Increased cost of purchasing and management;

2) Performance ballistics linked to the type of gas used and the ambient temperature.

In compensation, the shutter gas is more comfortable to load. And, moreover, allows the installation of inner legs longer, because it is shorter. While the shutter PCS allows you to adjust the power by simply turning a screw inside that varies the flow rate of gas transfer port.

Obviously, the sound of the shot of a rifle bolt action gas is much more muted, because the initial pressure tends to decrease towards the muzzle; while the pressure of a spring gun tends to rise. In any case, a rifle bolt Action be muted easily. Facts to be reckoned with at the time of purchase. In terms of ballistics, the sniper rifles common in spring and gas - with a target placed at 15 m - make pink (10 shots) contained in 60-70 mm. But if it was well prepared, can do much more.

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